this is Scientific Wave Solutions, my personal freelancer brand. I do stuff with maths, web, weather, geo and science.

# About Me

Hey, my name is Thorsten Rieß (spell: Riess) and I am a mathematician/scientific software developer. Scientific Wave Solutions is my personal freelancer side projects that I do besides my real job, where I deal pretty much with the same stuff.

# Contact Info

# Education & Experience

1996 - 2008

TU Ilmenau

Diploma and PhD in applied mathematics: analysis and numerics of Dynamical Systems.

2009 - 2012

University of Konstanz

PostDoc at the Interdisciplinary Center for interactive Data Analysis, Modelling and Visual Exploration (INCIDE).

2012 - 2017

W3 Data GmbH

Process weather and climate data, forecast and observation, high-performance webservices.

2017 - now

KYBURZ Switzerland AG

Architecture and implementation of a fleet management system running on AWS. Technologies: Hashicorp tools, Postgres, Go(-lang), Python, Odoo, InfluxDB, Grafana,...

# Skills

Frontend / Design
Geoinformationsystems (GIS)

# Services

# Recent projects